Tuesday, August 16, 2005

August...when did it become August?

The whole summer. Just poof.
Been busy, I suppose. Skateboarding a lot. Got my site up and running too, finally. It's been what, 2 years of procrastination? Now I can't leave the thing alone. I keep tweaking with it. It's a miracle I haven't totally broken the code yet. The day is young, though.

My cat died. Mikko, this little psychotic black cat I've had for 5 years, got sick a few weeks ago and went downhill really fast. Lost 5 pounds in less than 2 days. Did that rushing her to the vet hospital thing only to be told that she's likely on her way out. They thought she had feline leukemia, with the possibility that when I flew her out here, she had a seizure or a stroke on the plane cause she had neurological damage.

So it wasn't just me she was psychotic for. Made me sad, I did the sobbing over her little body thing. The vet must have thought I was insane. She got cold so fast. I thought she'd retain body heat for longer after she died, but I was wrong. I left when she got cold. Was disturbing. She wasn't my cat anymore.

I told her to pick a better body next time. This one didn't work.

Next day, a friend of mine finds a baby salamander in a hole he was digging. Baby like an inch long baby. So now I have a salamander to take care of. His/her name is Bo. I like to think it's tantric, goes into these little trances sometimes. Could be a ninja too. If you've ever seen a salamander hunt, you'd get that. Bloody quick they are. And accurate. He/she is already near 2 inches long. Eating like a hog. Even eats little fish. Yeah, picture me holding a squirming fish between chopsticks, wigging it in front of my salamander. Sad. Funny, but sad.

I suppose that's the extent of what's new. It's been cold lately, makes me think of snowboarding season coming up. I swear to god I'm going to break my ass trying to snowboard. Maybe I should start padding up for the winter, so when I slam on the ice, I don't break my tailbone. Besides the lift, cause that thing scares me to death, I can't wait.

K, back to messing with the new site.

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