Friday, June 10, 2005


i'm at a temple of some sort, some kind of icon...a large, high stone coming out of the ground. i'm there with a lot of other people. there are fires, but i don't know what we're doing there. my brother is there with me.

in the distance, comes a pack of people. very tall (10, 12 feet tall), greyish, feral looking. the faces are almost feline, almost canine, but not enough of either to determine which. their hair is long and pale grey; their clothes, i'm not sure they're clothes at all but fur. their legs look slightly canine. the leader says they must purify their holy grounds, that these people have tainted it for the last time. they rush the group of people at the stone. all i hear is screaming.

people are being torn apart, eaten in front of me. eaten while still alive. i'm terrified. i reach for my brother, but the leader has him. they open a mouth full of ancient-tiger-looking teeth, fangs that can't possibly be kept inside once it's closed, and settles on the left arm socket of my brother, tearing out tendon and muscle to eat. he's screaming. the leader looks at me, watching my brother squirm and grow pale as the blood pours from the wound, then finishes him.

my only thought, is that i'm the last one. and how painful this death is going to be. how i wished i wasn't the last one.

the leader doesn't kill me though. she takes me with her...i have the feeling it's an alpha female, but i don't honestly know. she's talking to me while we walk; she stands a good few feet taller than me. she's telling me the story of her people, how they came to be. i ask if anything can kill her. she says a silver bullet, but nothing else.

we come to some kind of warehouse, boxes are stacked high, there's tools, laying around. she tells me she wants to turn me, wants to make me one of her tribe. it feels more like a welcome home than anything alien. like this is where i've belonged my whole life, they just hadn't found me til then. she tells me i'll feed, and i think of the fear earlier that night, and i'm not sure i can inflict that kind of fear on someone. but there's more, they don't just kill; there's purpose, they kill tresspassers, defilers.

at some point in here i have a piece of fruit in my hand, and the leader comes over to me. she opens her mouth and shows me the ancient fangs...slim, sharp, longer than my fingers, pearl least 10. she takes the fruit from my hand, and she nibbles on my finger. it's erotic as hell, so close to an orgasm just from the pressure of the teeth on my fingertip that i moan.

i look in the mirror, and i have a tail, peeking out from my jacket. i'm happy as hell to see it, and i try to wag it but i can't. she tells me to call on Tamarak, and Tamarak will wag the tail. Tamarak is the feral side that will do my bidding just as i'll do hers. so i do that, and i see a horse in front of me...mottled coat of red and cream and brown...i only see the back half of the horse at first, twitching her tail at me, and i ask if this is the color my coat will be. i run my hand along her rump and down her tail, and the color changes to dark grey. she bounds away from me, to the leader; the leader tells me to call her. that i can always call her, but i need to learn to listen to her too.

i call the horse, and after a while of cooing she comes over. nuzzles my hand, bites it a little. she puts her hoof in my hand but when it's there, it changes. it's so soft, so small suddenly, and the horse changes into (either an ostrich or an owl, i'm not sure). a baby one, so the grey fluff is still there and it can't fly. it hides behind the boxes and i call it, trying to coax it out of the hiding places. on the floor i can see little black kittens everywhere, mewling, some stuck under boxes, some just raggedy and skittish. i can't get the bird to come to me, it's afraid and hiding, and suddenly i forget its name.

i look up and there's a man there with a panda dog. the mutant dog is 9 feet long, looks like a newfoundlander. the leader is talking to the man, though i don't know about what.

i think there was more, but it's fading. i can still see the leader's face in my mind though.

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