Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I want a T-shirt....

...that says "I told you so".

Remember yesterday, me writing about how impressed I'd be if the internet being tweaky at work was the hand of a hacker, or a virus?

Color me impressed. It's a virus that one of the tenants here got. Monday. I mentioned to the tech guy Monday that hey, one of the busnisses has a virus, could that be it?

No, little girl. Answer the phone and stick to what you know.


Yesterday, I said to them, it's behaving like a worm, hitting the server the way it was. They laughed.

And I was right.

The IT guy, the dick, says to me today "well you used to admin a network, you should have..." and I stopped him right there.
I told you people on Monday this was acting like a worm.
And again yesterday.
I told the dick that were I running IT admin here, knowing someone in the building had a worm, that would have been the FIRST thing I'd have checked out.

I was right.
I was right.
Go me.
I'm dancing, but y'all can't see that.

So I want a t-shirt that says "I told you so." Get on it.

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