Monday, October 10, 2005

October 10

Yes, I know it's been way too long.
I've actually been writing as close to every day as time will allow, just not publishing most of it.

So I'm teaching myself
By looking at the source code for a site I wanted to mimic, I figured out it was written in aspx. Started doing research online, and started learning the .net language that aspx is parent to.
Not all that hard, actually. It makes relatively perfect sense so far. This week I'm going to switch my server over to a .net server and start testing some of this code out. Looks like fun, actually, this is going to let me do a lot of the things I want to do with my own site.

It does, however, make my brain bleed. Whenever I'm learning a new coding language or application, the brain soaks up as much as possible like a child sucking a frozen slurpie through a huge straw.
Of course, the child then gets a massive brain freeze. Often falling to the ground.
That'd be me after 6 or so hours of soaking up a .net language. I'm not a programmer by nature, and although this makes sense to me, it does make my brain cramp after a while.

Then the ability to form a sentence lags. I try talking to people, and I can't. My brain is thinking in code, not english.
Learning like this does make me feel all smart though. That I can look at a behavior on a site, look at the code behind it, figure out what programming language it is and learn it to duplicate it, I consider a talent. I don't know many people who do that, though I have no doubt they're out there. Most of the people I know who are into web design and programming went extensively to school for it. God forbid you ask them t pick up something new and totally foreign. They give you that look. The deer in the headlights look.

So glad I don't have that.

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