Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I want a T-shirt....

...that says "I told you so".

Remember yesterday, me writing about how impressed I'd be if the internet being tweaky at work was the hand of a hacker, or a virus?

Color me impressed. It's a virus that one of the tenants here got. Monday. I mentioned to the tech guy Monday that hey, one of the busnisses has a virus, could that be it?

No, little girl. Answer the phone and stick to what you know.


Yesterday, I said to them, it's behaving like a worm, hitting the server the way it was. They laughed.

And I was right.

The IT guy, the dick, says to me today "well you used to admin a network, you should have..." and I stopped him right there.
I told you people on Monday this was acting like a worm.
And again yesterday.
I told the dick that were I running IT admin here, knowing someone in the building had a worm, that would have been the FIRST thing I'd have checked out.

I was right.
I was right.
Go me.
I'm dancing, but y'all can't see that.

So I want a t-shirt that says "I told you so." Get on it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

August 16

I write this in Word, because no one seems to know how to get the internet connection to actually work, here at work. Comcast is shrugging their collective shoulders in a wonderful display of ignorance. The new IT guy here is a dick. And not in that good way either.

For 2 days now, the internet has been having a seizure in this building.
I have never seen so many people NOT able to fix anything in my whole life.
And not just “I can’t fix this.” They don’t even know what’s wrong in the first place, after 2 days.
3 IT people here this morning. Two leave, one is still here.
The dick.
The guy who, when I tell him that the entire building just lost the internet…still connected to the network, apparently, but can’t access the internet or email, walks away from me. Doesn’t listen.
Fuck you.
Fuck you hard, asshole.
Contrary to what you might perceive, I know a lot more than how to answer a phone. We had that conversation earlier. I’ve run networks, I know at least enough about IT work to get me by.

Oh but wait, I’m just the receptionist.
Fucking ass, walk away from me while I’m trying to tell you what’s suddenly happened across the building. I’m sorry you can’t fucking fix it, not my problem. I didn’t break it. No need at all to be an asshole to someone because YOU are having issues with your job.

Someone went and messed up the net connection here badly.
Which, on one level, makes me proud. This is awesome, someone walked in here and fucked up the building and all its’ businesses for 2 days running now. With still no idea what’s wrong. And no closer to fixing it.
This is impressive. I can appreciate this kind of hacking, if that’s actually what it is. I can appreciate this kind of malice too, if hacking wasn’t involved. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Except that I’m sitting at a desk now with absolutely nothing to do. Twiddle my thumbs kind of day. Get dissed by the IT guy kind of day. Great. I’m really gonna need a drink after work. Maybe the Rio’s margs will help me remember that no, I don’t really care what happens here outside of my own interests. I tweaked my website today, I’m pretty content with that. Surfing the net, tweaking out the code on my own site just gives me something to do. Work is looking at switching the site to some sort of php program, having someone else admin it; I don’t particularly give a fuck. It’s bad design, hence why it’s not listed anywhere on my site. My name is not on that site, claiming it’s design as mine. It’s not in my portfolio. Never will be. It’s not something I’m proud of, or even willing to take the blame for outside of agreeing to design it in the first place.

Some people you just can’t teach taste to. No matter how much money they have.
Some people you just can’t instill intelligence into either. No matter how many degrees they have hanging on their wall. Staggering, really.

Yes, venting on here makes me feel infinitely better.
Yes, a few people from work know where my website is, so might stumble across this blog.
It’s on my resume, so people with whom I want to work, might stumble across this blog.
Does that mean I censor myself? Does that mean I put bows in my hair and play nice and not have a temper fit to myself every once in a while? Does that mean that I won’t say what I’m really thinking because oh dear GOD someone around me might not like it?

Can I get a hell no.

I don’t go out of my way to piss people off. In fact, I was raised in Canada, land of the perpetual etiquette lesson. I don’t even say “what?”, I always say “pardon?” when asking someone to repeat themselves. I’m exceedingly tolerant of otherwise intolerable people, because I’m raised to be polite all the time, regardless of how rude people are to me.

However, the older I get, the less I care if people I know don’t like what I have to say. If my opinion on something pisses you off, that’s not going to change my opinion. I love healthcare in Canada. I’ve never BEEN so ill taken care of, as since I’ve moved to the States. The healthcare here scares me to death, it’s horrible. People disagree with me, and that’s their right to. I don’t say this to everyone, I have discussions about my opinions with people I’m very familiar with, people who in general can listen and appreciate that hey, that’s what I think. People who know they can spew something I totally disagree with, but I have enough respect for them that I’m not going to try and change it. People have opinions for their own reasons. Not my job in life to change anybody except myself.

So when I say that no, I won’t censor myself here, I’m not being a bitch. No really. I’m not.
I’m refusing to cater to what other people think I should be.
I’m refusing to be the good girl, the quiet girl, the girl without a voice.
I’m refusing to be caged by society’s expectations of me.

For example. Recently, I was speaking with a gentleman who, when I mentioned that yes I write code and design websites, sat there stupefied. He opened his mouth and said “well that’s not something a woman usually does, not really being wired for that. How’d you get into that?”

Yes, that’s a mildly sexist thing to say. So what. I told him how I got into it. Told him I skateboard and snowboard and do a lot of things “women aren’t wired” to do. I like breaking the mold. The mold was always a bit small anyway. And it makes such a nice shattering noise when I throw it up against a wall. Had I been the good girl, the quiet girl, this man would still be walking around under the assumption that women don’t run web design companies.
Ok I think I’ve rambled more than enough for one afternoon. That and this phone keeps ringing, distracting me. So til later, when I’ll undoubtedly piss someone else off……

August...when did it become August?

The whole summer. Just poof.
Been busy, I suppose. Skateboarding a lot. Got my site up and running too, finally. It's been what, 2 years of procrastination? Now I can't leave the thing alone. I keep tweaking with it. It's a miracle I haven't totally broken the code yet. The day is young, though.

My cat died. Mikko, this little psychotic black cat I've had for 5 years, got sick a few weeks ago and went downhill really fast. Lost 5 pounds in less than 2 days. Did that rushing her to the vet hospital thing only to be told that she's likely on her way out. They thought she had feline leukemia, with the possibility that when I flew her out here, she had a seizure or a stroke on the plane cause she had neurological damage.

So it wasn't just me she was psychotic for. Made me sad, I did the sobbing over her little body thing. The vet must have thought I was insane. She got cold so fast. I thought she'd retain body heat for longer after she died, but I was wrong. I left when she got cold. Was disturbing. She wasn't my cat anymore.

I told her to pick a better body next time. This one didn't work.

Next day, a friend of mine finds a baby salamander in a hole he was digging. Baby like an inch long baby. So now I have a salamander to take care of. His/her name is Bo. I like to think it's tantric, goes into these little trances sometimes. Could be a ninja too. If you've ever seen a salamander hunt, you'd get that. Bloody quick they are. And accurate. He/she is already near 2 inches long. Eating like a hog. Even eats little fish. Yeah, picture me holding a squirming fish between chopsticks, wigging it in front of my salamander. Sad. Funny, but sad.

I suppose that's the extent of what's new. It's been cold lately, makes me think of snowboarding season coming up. I swear to god I'm going to break my ass trying to snowboard. Maybe I should start padding up for the winter, so when I slam on the ice, I don't break my tailbone. Besides the lift, cause that thing scares me to death, I can't wait.

K, back to messing with the new site.