Monday, April 11, 2005

Blizzard of 05

Oh puhlease.
No one in Boulder has the right to say this today.
Yes, there was a blizzard. Yes, it skimmed Boulder and dumped a few inches. Pfft. Pussies. Fucking hippy pussies.
The bus was late this morning. When I finally got on it, he was creeping along the road like he was plowing through 2 feet of snow.
The grass is still peeking through this snow here.

So I leaned up and kinda whispered to the driver.....
"you do know that's water on the road, right?"
I don't think he did. Cause RTD reserves the right to not adhere to any kind of schedule if the roads are bad. Only now, whenever it rains too hard, the drivers kick back and figure they can take their time.
Well fuck you. I have a job to get to, and there's nothing on the road at all. So drive, motherfucker.

I had a kick ass weekend, aside from the stupidity of bus drivers this morning.
We hit Breck on Saturday morning. Yeah, I only did 3 runs, but it's one better than last time. And I took a blue. Yay, go me, damnit. I'm so stoked. Bummed that the season is over like this weekend coming up, but stoked that I'm getting a lot better really fast.

We partied in Vail after Breck was done. Supposed to be some free concert, but the "blizzard" started that night so I think it was called off. Some dj was on stage mixing, it was cool, but not really worth standing out in the fucking cold like that for.
Standing there, that's when something large and round, I swear, hit me.
My knees decided that no, they'd done enough on the mountain today, they didn't feel the obligation to do any more.
My stomach chimed in, saying the altitude was fucking with it already and if the knees were going, then it was going to convulse too. Fuck me.
Someone in the ground below me took a deep fucking breath and sucked every last ounce of strength out of me, standing there in the cold.
Thank god for the bumper of that Escalade. I sat down hard. My ass reminded me I'd fallen on it earlier, but not quite as persistently as my head swimming in some imaginary bubble of water.

The boys looked around for me, as they were kinda wanting to go, and all just stood there for a second, staring at me.
"Dude. You're pale. Like more than normal." Insisting I was fine didn't work. I collapsed on the way to the car, but they didn't let me hit the ground. I was taken back to Mason's place, fed water and wrapped up in a blanket, as I was shaking so badly it looked like I was about to have a seizure. I slept, they partied around me, every once in a while feeling a hand to my forehead, checking if I was still trembling, seeing if I could respond. I survived the night.

Drove back on Sunday in a blizzard. Yeah, the kind that dumped 2 feet by the side of the road, sent semi's on their sides off the highway, had cars piled on top of each other on the highway. The kind that makes it take 5 hours for an hour trip.

If I could, I'd go snowboarding every day this week. Can't, maybe one day, but not all 5. This weekend is Vail's last weekend too. Gonna hit that hard, from what I'm told. Can't wait.

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