Friday, April 08, 2005

Blink. Blink.

I'm existing in my own little bubble of water today.
Everything around me is distorted just a little. Too far away. Liquid.
All my limbs are moving a lot slower than I think they should be.
My brain...honestly I don't think it's there. I think it drowned sometime yesterday.
I'm even blinking slowly.

God. I'm blonde today. I can't code, my mind is mush. The simplest code sends me into some coma-state where I sit here for the next 10 minutes. Drooling only slightly. I'm exhausted, even though I slept really well last night. Least, I think I slept well.

People say it's the weather. There's weather rolling into Boulder this weekend. Snow on Sunday morning, they say.
Ah ha.
Snowboarding sunday. And they think it's the barometer. It's my brain going over and over snowboarding stuff, that's all. It's occupied, that's all.

Let me tell you about my last run.
It was awesome. I went on the chair lift. I got laughed at cause i fell off it both times I took it up, but at least I didn't stop the lift. That whole one foot balance thing just throws me.
So I get on top of the mountain. Yeah, this is a flashback to Keystone and how it handed me my ass last time.
Ah ha, but I've been working on stance, and balance. Mountain won't kick my ass this time. Noo siree.

I only did 2 runs, granted. But I got some speed on me. Was riding switch most of the second run down, working on getting onto my heel edge from switch. Cause I sucked at that last time I tried it. Not bad. I fell twice that hurt me. The guys were actually really proud of me that when I'd fall from balance or stopping, I'd get right back up. No sitting in the snow for this girl.

And there was powder. There was a good foot of powder. My first powder day.
I love powder. I love it like I've loved nothing else. I floated down that mountain. I was one with the snow.

I carved more than once, hard, and didn't fall. Caught myself, fixed my stance, got my balance back. I followed closer than they thought I would, passing them even once. Ok they were standing still, that's not what's important here. They say my form is really good. My reaction time on the board is getting better, I'm starting to feel out the edges so when I nearly catch one, I compensate to avoid it. I done good.

I did fall, twice, hard.
The first time, I was compensating for catching my toe edge, and instead caught my heel. They said they could hear the "thump" of my ass hitting the snow from 30 feet away. They all winced collectively. I sat there in the snow a good 5 minutes only because it felt so damn good on an ass that hurt so goddamn much. My spine trembled the rest of the day from that.

The second time was spectacular. The boys didn't see it, sadly. I was comin down hard, faster than I should have been, and I nearly caught my toe edge. Instead, I carved over on it. But I think I leaned back too fast, and lost my balance. Hitting the snow didn't entirely hurt.
Oh look, there's the sky. Pretty snowflakes hitting my lips.
Oh look, there's my snowboard.
Coming up over my head.
Just once, rolled backwards. I felt the board hit the ground and wanted to stand up to recover, really I did. But I think I landed lopsided, too much weight on one foot, as always. The board twisted and did a cartwheel kind of move on me. My body followed, like a good girl. But I twisted both my knees, my right one in particular, so badly I sat in the snow with my head down gasping for air.

My knees are pissing me off.
So I made it down the mountain alright, rested a few times but I was ok to finish the run. Iced my knee and I was done like dinner boy. Still hurts, but at least I didn't blow it out or anything. Just pissed the muscles off.
And like the stubborn girl I am, I'll be doing it again this weekend. Especially if it snows again.

Yesterday, I went hiking. No trails for this girl either, we're talking no trails, scaling rock walls to get to a ridge on the mountain where there's thigh high snow waiting for you. Nearly 4 hours of that.
My legs are no longer speaking to me, routinely today threatening to give out altogether on me. So sshh on the snowboarding this weekend or they'll freak out and my ass won't be able to get up.

And even though I ache, nothing really hurts to the point where I can't move it. I believe that I won't ache tomorrow, and because I believe it, it'll likely be true. And once I stop aching so much, I know I'll feel stronger than I've been in years.
Cause I already am. If I could just lift my arms.

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