Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Stupid People

Yes, I know, everyone hates stupid people.
I really dislike them. I also dislike people who would take advantage of stupid people, so that when my happy ass comes along and points out...um, you've been taken for a ride big time you know that...I look like some kind of rat.

Generally speaking, people are pretty ignorant about websites. They have little clue what kind of work goes into one. The code behind it. The design. Actually I think they don't *care* but hey. Doesn't matter.

I develop websites. I come up with the design, make the graphics, do the behind the scenes coding so it works how and where it's supposed to work. My stuff is cross-platform, cross-browswer compatible, which, when I say that, usually makes people's eyes roll back in their heads. It would horrify them what I sit and do all day.

Now, when I take over an existing website, generally the code is horrible so I toss it. Actually all the code is always horrible. Because someone's sister's cousin did the site in frontpage 3 years ago. It's a nightmare. I can rebuild it though. Make it better. Faster. Stronger. I can drag these sites into the 21st century kicking and screaming.

A server, if you don't know, often comes with the decrepid website. Oh now here's some fun boy. People telling me they're paying $20 a month for 250mg of space and 5 gigs of transfer. No frills. No PHP, no CGI, nothing.
Hell. Free sites come with that.
So I get to say um, yeah, your site is gonna be too big to fit in 250 mgs of space (400+ page graphics intensive website as well as login script), so you need more. And oh by the way, someone's been fucking you up the ass for the past 2 years...that hurt? Did they at least use lube? Give you a blow job every month? Something? Cause damn, I'm a woman and even I wouldn't want to be fucked THAT hard.

Now I get to deal with the people who run the site. The admins. Fun fun. The people pulling out their respective cocks to fuck the people I now work for. I'm never sure if I should smack them or congratulate them. But now I have to deal with them and say yeah, I want at least 10 gigs of space and 200 gigs of bandwidth, just to be safe. I want cgi capability, I want ColdFusion on it, I want PHP, I want database and email capability jesus CHRIST man where's your decency. And I want all this for under $10 a month. Cause I can get it for about $5 online with another host. Just giving you the courtesy because these people who are my bosses seem to like you.

Maybe they've just been fucking the bosses so long, the bosses have come to like it.
Maybe stupid people should be dragged out into the street and shot.
Then who would I work for.

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